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Predictive Analytics Lab’s Immense Reset Around Skills

COVID-19 crashed into the world and overturned it upside down. Within few weeks, people around the globe have faced illness, social isolation and death. The inconsistencies, insufficiencies and contradictions of multiple systems running from health and financial to energy and education are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods and the planet.
The changes are happening fast and hard, living no room for much planning. It’s therefore natural for you to feel scared, anxious, and unmoored as you watch all of your career plans, hopes, and dreams come to a screeching halt. In reality, you have a chance to get your career back on track. In fact, think about how this pandemic could actually create opportunity for you. Future employers will not judge you for taking a diversion in your career progression. In contrast, these extraordinary times, has made employers to value resilient people who can adapt and thrive under tough circumstances.

Predictive Analytics Lab plays a major role in this market, and today the company has come up with a number of significant strategies that will make your career plans remain on truck.
Ongoing Demand for Skills
Employees need both technical and soft skills to remain relevant in the job market. If you’re an accounts manager your technical skills may be book-keeping while your soft skills may include communications. Driven by the digital transformation of business, we’ve over-rotated toward digital skills in the recent months. Companies have been desperate to hire several professionals, driving a massive investment in bootcamps and other programs to develop such skills which doesn’t describe the market well. Watch an introduction to Python Class that was done Virtually in June 2020, amid the Covid 19 Pandemic.
Several vendors like Coursera, Pluralsight, LinkedIn, Udemy, and Skillsoft sell courses in digital literacy and organize bootcamps. However, Predictive Analytics Lab creates valued certifications in its technologies, enabling workers to find jobs more quickly. The Company plays a big role in the job market by creating many of the tools, systems, and infrastructure through its courses, mentorship and events which provides a Life Long Learning to re-engineer your career, institution and business to be adaptive to the demands of the emerging 4th Industrial Revolution. To see some of the data science events organized by Predictive analytics lab, click here
But as Predictive Analytics Lab goes after this market, the world of skills development is far larger. According to research, young people grow up with digital skills like programming and they are still in need of more. The research also found out that the younger one is the more likely they would want more soft skills to succeed. Influence, leadership, project management and communication are the power skills that drive promotion, growth, and higher income.
If you are interested in becoming a human resource manager or accountant or dentist front office assistant, you don’t need to know Visual Basic. You should instead understand how these business functions work, you need to know the tools and platforms these jobs rely on, and understand the technical skills of these roles. Dentists need to understand teeth medical procedures; Human resource manager need to know how to reward and motivate employees and so on.
If you look at LinkedIn for example, most in-demand skills in Kenya for the month of June this year, the results are surprising. While the most in-demand skill is Data Scientist, the remaining top skills are Engineering, Finance Management, Human Resource, Banking, Insurance and Marketing. If you add up the numerical weighting of these soft skills vs. technical skills, they are more than 10 times more important.
It turns out that Predictive Analytics Lab plays a major role in all of this.
Predictive Analytics Lab in Collaboration with LinkedIn
Predictive Analytics Lab and LinkedIn are important companies filled with some of the most passionate, dedicated, ethical people in the marketplace. LinkedIn has continued to mentor Predictive Lab on professional branding for data scientists to position their brands strongly in the job market. This mentorship has enables us to come up with learning strategies that fall into the following areas:

1.Fill the Digital Skills Gap
Predictive Analytics Lab understands that digital skills are in demand and they are eager to address this market. The current gap of digital skills in the market, has made our Company, to have the urge of investing massively in the big data market.In order to fill this gap, Predictive Analytics Lab has come up with certified courses like Introduction to Data Science; Intermediate Date science; Data Engineering; and Data Visualization.
2.Learning App
The power of digital world lies in the ginormous amount of resources that fill its nooks and corners.Predictive Analytics Lab has consequently developed a wealth of knowledge learning app which offers the following:
- Local data sets: Enables you to learn using the latest and relevant local datasets such as the Kenya Census Data 2019, Weather Data, Economic Data, Telco Data all anonymized and open source as guided by the Data Protection Policy.
- Real-world projects: Allows you to build your skills through industry and professional relevant projects. E.g. Credit Scoring, Employee Churn Prediction, Fraud Detection, Location Intelligence
- Knowledge: Find answers to technical terms with our proprietary glossary engine. Search questions asked by other students, connect with technical mentors, and discover in real-time how to solve the challenges that you encounter.
- Mentorship support: You will get one on one personalized feedback from our network of 50+ Mentors and project reviewers. Our simple interface makes it easy to submit your projects as often as you need and receive unlimited feedback on your work. Personalized feedback & line by line code reviews, Unlimited submissions and feedback loops, Practical tips and industry best practices and additional suggested resources to improve.
- Student hub: Leverage the power of community through a simple, yet powerful chat interface built within the classroom. Use Student Hub to connect with your fellow students in your Executive Program.
- Virtual workspace: Check the output and quality of your code by running them on workspaces that are a part of our classroom
- Quizzes: Check your understanding of concepts learned in the program by answering simple and auto-graded quizzes. Easily go back to the lessons to brush up on concepts anytime you get an answer wrong
- Custom study plans: With the help of our Instructors and Coach, design a custom study plan. Program regular reminders to keep track of your progress toward your goals and completion of your program.
- Progress Tracker: Stay on track to complete your Study program with useful milestone reminders and badges issued along the way.
3.Power Skills Market
Future jobs are not just digital engineering jobs, but are hybrid jobs that include digital and managerial skills. Architects make a fantastic living and have wonderful careers, but most of us need to find jobs that are non-routine and leverage our human, intellectual, and social capabilities. Business managers, and most of the highest-paid people in the world may have architecture backgrounds, but they are not architects. This is why data shows that Finance management, Banking, IT support, marketing, and Human Resource Management are the highest demand roles in the market.
To support this demand, Predictive Analytics Lab identified ten high-demand jobs and is offering training course management at discounted prices on:Introduction to Data Science;Intermediate Data Science;Human Resource Analytics;Data Engineering;Data Visualization;Bank Analytics; and Finance Analytics. Click here to register
To connect employers to competent workforce in the market and job seekers to their dream jobs, the Lab has developed a platform for jobs, consulting gigs and tenders in 4th Industrial Revolution related technologies and careers. To receive notifications on emerging opportunities, one is only required to set up a profile at
4.Expand the Skills Development Marketplace.
Predictive Lab is helping others expand the skills development marketplace. As Burning Glass data clearly shows, every time a new technology goes mainstream, there is a demand for people who understand it. Right now, Data Science, Data Engineering, Cloud Infrastructure, Data Analysis, and Mobile engineering jobs are hot cake and many people want these skills. And these professionals must stay current on the technologies in demand. To help with the market development, Predictive Analytics Lab is dropping the prices of its certifications courses in Introduction to Data Science; Intermediate Data Science; Data Engineering ;and Data Visualization.
Moreover, the company recently launched a Business Intelligent System and we are offering a one Month Complimentary access to students enrolling for their Data Science programs. To access the system , one is supposed to download, take a photo, enter the details, then post and wait for it to reflect on This platform empowers organizations to visualize location information in any specified geographic location automatically, thereby enhancing decisions for their brand, service, product or organization.
Fourth industrial revolution Club (4IR Club)
Lifelong learning is the ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of knowledge for either personal or professional reasons. Therefore, it not only enhances social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal development, but also self-sustainability, as well as competitiveness and employability. This is necessitated by the drive towards the 4th industrial revolution. Its for this reason that Predictive Analytics lab has come up with a platform that has all that you require to build your skills

The fourth industrial revolution is the current and developing environment in which disruptive technologies and trends such as the Internet of Things , robotics, virtual reality and artificial intelligence are changing the way we live and work. Reskilling lets you learn new skills so you can do a different job, or train people to do a different job. While upskilling on the other hand points out the same, though focuses more on improving worker’s skills so they can work within the same job.
The fourth industrial revolution Club as you can see from the above screenshot, offers you an option of accessing our package as an individual which has three choices of Either getting an Associate Package, an Executive Package or a Platinum Package. You can also access as an Academic Institution, Government, Corp-orates or Non-Governmental Institutions. Click here for more details on the same
Where to Find the Best Data Science Courses
Data Science and Analytics has been growing for the past few years. Many companies have data scientists in their offices and organizations and/or are increasingly interested in hiring a workforce with data skills in the past few years. Similarly, academic and educational institutions are making concerted efforts to include data science in their programmes though there is still a big gap and more specifically in Africa. Guided by the need to Improve decision making, operations and monetization of data, Predictive Analytics Lab has designed tools to be able to provide impact to businesses across various industries by offering the following courses:

Introduction to data science course allows you to Explore Python language fundamentals, which will give you an opportunity to work through a data science project end to end, from analyzing a dataset to visualizing and communicating your data analysis. Through working on the class project, this three-month course will help you understand the skills that are needed to become a data scientist yourself. To get more details about this course, visit
Becoming a senior data scientist takes more than just mastering basic skills like statistics, data wrangling, and visualization. Intermediate Data Science Course that runs for sixteen weeks, will teach you importance of analytics in this new era of rapidly growing innovation and technologies. From identifying a business problem to building a predictive analytics model. We will also teach you how to extract features for different domains and how to engineer the features and reduce the dimensions or pick the best. At the end of this course, you will acquire skills to even compete in Hackathons and Data Science platforms like Kaggle.

Our Executive Masterclass are usually a two full day session ranging from Finance Analytics, Marketing Analytics, Supply Chain Analytics, Derivative Analytics, Data Journalism, Health Informatics, HR Analytics, Retail Analytics to Open source Information Intelligence. This masterclasses are centered to your profession, which will make you stand out from the rest .
When you look at how the world is developing, coding is an extremely useful skill to possess. There are an increasing number of businesses who
rely on computer code and in future computer programming will be a requirement regardless of ones profession. To help the Pre-teens and teenagers prepare for this our Lab has designed a Robotic and Programming Course for students aged 9 to 17 of all interests and experience levels, where Students learn collaboration and computer science concepts as they create their own projects
We also offer Custom Program specific to industry verticals, since we feel each industry has its unique needs. These industries include Agriculture, Health Care & Pharma, Banking, Insurance, Government, Logistics, Academia, Media, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Hospitality and FMCG.
Last but not least, we offer One on One executive data coaching sessions to CEOS, Exco, Heads of Departments and Senior decision makers.
Effect of Technology on Learning
During this time of learning institutions shutdowns and virtual learning, technology has become a lifeline for the continuation of learning. As school systems begin to prepare for a return to the classroom, it’s important for parents, students and all stakeholders to understand that, systems that take a comprehensive, data-informed approach may achieve learning gains from thoughtful use of technology in the classroom. Watch the below Internet’s Own Boy Movie, which depicts the life of an American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet activist Aaron Swartz. It features interviews with his family and friends as well as the internet luminaries who worked with him.
Best results are achieved when significant effort is put into ensuring that devices and infrastructure are fit for purpose ,software is effective and integrated with curricula, teachers are trained and given time to rethink lesson plans integrating technology, students have enough interaction with technology to use it efficiently, and that technology strategy is cognizant of the system’s position on the school-system reform journey. Computer-generated learning and education technology are currently providing an invaluable service by enabling continued learning over the course of the pandemic. However, this does not mean that they should be accepted uncritically when students return to the classroom.
Parting Thoughts
Data Science is an interdisciplinary field, and while we expect to see an increase of data offerings in several professionals in the upcoming years, we require a broadened approach to data science training. Despite the fact that Technology is growing very fast, so much so we are not able to catch up with emerging issues of the current world, I have noted that many employees still lack sufficient data skills. However, they express interest and the need to further their skills in these areas especially during this Covid 19 season. These implies that, there is a gap between what the workforce wants to learn and what the universities are offering.
Predictive analytics lab is eager to feel this gap by offering a mature enough approach, that facilitates entrants from the various disciplines. Furthermore, Predictive Analytics Lab is equipped with facilitators who pose a diverse set of skills, alongside a deep understanding of both academic and practical aspects of disciplines involved.
Good work on the information technology field keep it up.
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