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Best Python IDEs and Code Editors in 2020 (Part 1)

Programming has become an essential part of today’s operations, since most of the world is run by programming. This means that learning it opens up so many new possibilities, and gives you a wider understanding of the world and the advances we continue to make. Python is a programming language that allows you to create exciting content.

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Integrated Development Environment is a software pack that consist of equipment’s which are used for developing and testing the software process. IDE was basically developed to simplify the SDLC process, by reducing coding and avoiding typing errors.

Alternatively, a code editor is a platform for only editing and modifying the code, while saving small text files for that code. One good thing about the text editor, is the fact that it allows modification of all types of files without specifying on the language or types. In comparison to IDE, code editors have the capability of executing and debugging code. To get to learn this practical differences, watch our orientation class for a recent cohort

Evaluation of different Python IDEs

Python code editors are designed for you to code and debug programs easily. By using these Python IDEs, you can manage a large codebase and achieve quick deployment. A perfect IDE selection is determined by your needs and requirement. In this article, we have broadly discussed the 4 best Python IDEs that you can use.

1. Spyder

It is an open source IDE supported by QT, WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC OS etc. platforms. Spyder was mainly developed for scientists and engineers to provide a powerful scientific environment for Python.

Since SPYDER uses PYQT, a developer can also use it as an extension. It also offers an advanced level of edit, debug and data exploration feature.

Sreenshot of Spyder

What stands out in Spyder

It is a good IDE with syntax highlighting, auto code completion feature, capable of exploring and editing variables from GUI itself. To add on that, it works well in multi-language editor along functions and auto code completion. Lastly, it has a powerful integration with ipython Console, interacts and modifies the variables on the go which enables the developer to execute the code line by line or by the cell

Pros and Cons of Spyder

Spyder is efficient in discovery and eliminating the bottlenecks to unchain the code performance. To add on that, it has a powerful debugger for tracing script execution smoothly step by step. It has a good support feature for instantly viewing and modifying object documents. Spyder also supports extended plugins for improvising its functionality.

Despite Spyder having pros it has two cons as well. One being, it is not capable of configuring which warning the developer wants to disable and second being, whenever too many plugins are invoked at the same time its performance reduces.

One of the lab sessions on Python programming using Spyder IDE at

2. PyCharm

It is a commercial Python IDE supported by the WINDOWS, LINUX, and MAC platforms. With PyCharm, a developer can write a neat and maintainable code.

Features of PyCharm

PyCharm is integrated with features like debugging, testing, profiling, deployments, remote development and tools of the database.It comes with an intelligent code editor, smart code navigation, fast and safe refactoring’s.With Python, PyCharm also provides support to python web development frameworks, HTML, CSS, Angular JS JavaScript, and Live edit features.Lastly it has a powerful integration with IPython Notebook, python console, and scientific stack.    


Screenshot of PyCharm


Pros and Cons of PyCharm

It supports a cross-platform development where scripts can be written. Additionally, it provides a smart platform for auto code completion, error detection and quick fixing. PyCharm also provides multiple framework support by increasing a lot of cost-saving factors. Lastly, it comes with customizable interface which in turn increases the productivity.

However, PyCharm is an expensive tool considering the features and the tools it provides to the client. The initial installation is also difficult and may hang up in between sometimes. We at can help you settle on an IDE that is easier to install.

3. Idle

It is an Open source IDE supported by WINDOWS, LINUX, MAC OS that has been integrated with the default language

It is a very simple and basic IDE, mainly used by the beginner level developers. It is also referred to as a disposable IDE since the trainee moves to more advanced IDEs after learning the basics. Watch a previous class on model deployment here

Screenshot of Idle

Finest Features of idle

IDLE is a cross-platform, developed purely in Python with the usage of Tkinter GUI toolkit thereby increasing its flexibility for users. Secondly, it has a multi-window text editor which has several features like smart indentation, call tips, undo and python colorizing. It also has a powerful debugger with continuous breakpoints, global view, and local spaces. Moreover, it supports dialog boxes, browsers, and editable configurations.

Advantages and disadvantages of using IDLE

IDLE supports syntax highlighting, auto code completion and smart indentation. It has a Python shell with a high lighter and an integrated debugger with call stack visibility which increases performance. Moreover, when using IDLE, one can search within any window, search through multiple files and replace within the windows editor.

Its disadvantage is that sometimes Idle lacks focus during usage, making it impossible for the developer to directly copy to the dashboard. Secondly, IDLE does not have the numbering of line option which is a very basic design of the interface. However, this should not discourage you from using it as you can visit us at  for more training and mentoring.


It is an Open Source IDE supported by QT, WINDOWS, LINUX and MAC OS platforms.

PyDev is an outside plugin for Eclipse, that is linear in size. It is a strong python interpreter that mainly focuses on the refactoring of python code, debugging in the graphical pattern, analysis of code among others.

Screenshot of PyDev

Top Features of PyDev

It is a nice IDE with Django integration, auto code completion and code coverage feature. PyDev supports some rich features like refactoring, type hinting, debugging and code analysis. It also has provision for PyLint integration, interactive console, tokens browser, Unittest integration, and remote debugger etc. Additionally, it supports Mypy, black formatter, virtual environments, and analyzing f-strings.

Pros and Cons of using PyDev

PyDev is the best IDE to use since it provides a strong syntax high lighting, code folding, parser errors and multi-language support. Secondly, it has a good outline view, marks occurrences and an interactive console. This IDE has good support for CPython, Jython, Iron Python, and Django and allows interactive probing in suspended mode. Pydev also provides Pylint integration, auto-completion of keywords, tabs preferences, smart indent, TODO tasks and content assistants.

Some of the cons of PyDev is the fact that, when the application is too big with multiple plugins, its performance decreases. Additionally, sometimes the plugins become unstable by creating issues in the development of the application.


In this article, we have only discussed 4 Python IDEs and Code Editors which are preferred by most developers worldwide. Python has many more IDEs which you can familiarize yourselves with, by visiting

We have noted that, large scale business prefers IDE’s like PyCharm because of their financial stability and manpower. They also prefer IDEs that can offer them maximum features with extended support from the companies in case they have challenges. Middle and small-scale business on the other hand, lookout for tools which are open source and cover most basic features. They therefore mostly prefer PyDev, and Spyder for their projects.

However, this is not the best selection criteria to be used when selecting an IDE. Companies  should instead select IDEs depending on their needs and requirements regardless of their size .

We at will help your company  settle on the best IDE so as to make your business achieve its short and long term goals.

Click here for part 2 of this article.


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